Release 03.08.00

Hotcakes Commerce is Ready for you!

Version 03.08.00

We have numerous updates in this release to address all kinds of bugs. It was truly a team effort with 42 commits, 63 files changed, and 8 contributors.


As always, please test your upgrades on a development/staging version of your site first. Be sure to fully back up your websites prior to upgrading, and merge any noted viewset changes as desired. We're not responsible for any Hotcakes that get burnt.  *wink*

Downloads & Installation/Upgrade Packages

You can download Hotcakes at any time from the downloads page.

Release Notes

This is a feature release of Hotcakes Commerce, an open-source e-commerce CMS.

The release notes continue after the Sponsors and Contributors below.


Open-source is not free. We're so GRATEFUL for the following people/organizations for sponsoring developers to work on this release!

Sponsorship is Powered by GitHub Sponsors and ensures that this project lives and thrives. Please consider contributing any amount.

THANK YOU to the following rockstars!


THANK YOU to the following community members for participating in this release!


THANK YOU to the following partners for participating in this release!

Release Note Prefixes

The following prefixes are defined as:


  • SI: New Mini Cart SPA Theme Object - You can now not only use a SPA implementation of the mini cart module, but also as a theme object. (Issue 51), Thanks @ismaelTartola
  • DNN 9.8+ Support - Hotcakes Commmerce now works against DNN 9.8 and newer. (Pull 470), Thanks @WillStrohl

Maintenance Updates

  • Issue 474 - SI: Product Grid doesn't allow products to be deleted (2). Thanks @ismaelTartola
  • Issue 454 - Resolved exception caused by abandoned cart email logic. Thanks @libanlsilva
  • (no issue) - Updated the source code copyright.

Viewset Changes

Viewset changes often happen with most releases as we add new default features, fix bugs, address browser compatibility issues, and so on. As you might imagine, some of these updates are "nice to have" while others are very necessary updates to improve how your store functions for your customers.

It is ALWAYS recommended that you compare and merge any viewset changes that may have occurred from release to release.

At the very least, you should always review the Cart, Checkout, CSS, JavaScript, and local resource file updates when there are any. These are areas that can directly affect how well your store is performing.

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